Most popular welfare cabin features for 2023 | Easy Cabin
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Most desirable welfare cabin features for 2023

Most desirable welfare cabin features for 2023

Most sought-after mobile welfare cabin features for 2023

2022 has proven a noteworthy year for the British economy and for the construction industry. The beginning of the year saw rising fuel prices provoked by the conflict in Ukraine aggravated by the end of rebates on diesel for industrial applications. Rising costs in energy equate to increased production costs and, as inflation took hold, the construction industry had to deal with record-high material costs, rising salaries, and elevated transport and machine operation costs. Despite this, monthly construction output in May 2022 reached £15,035 million according to a report published by the Office for National Statistics and was the highest since records began in January 2010.

It has been a successful period for construction companies and peripheral services, although a slowdown is predicted. An article dated November 7th, 2022 in The Construction Index published a somewhat gloomy forecast by the CPA (Construction Product Associates) predicting a retraction of 3.9% in construction output across the UK in 2023, in stark contrast to the rise of 2.0% in 2022. Causes for this downturn include the rise in interest rates making the cost of borrowing money unappealing to consumers and businesses alike, political uncertainty, and the looming sense of a general recession.

Welfare facilities for construction in 2023

Welfare facilities are a legal requirement for most construction sites and other outdoor work areas. The demand for self-contained welfare units is driven by the construction industry and the trends observed in this industry are a reliable predictor for the demands to be placed on welfare unit suppliers and manufacturers.

Two important factors seem likely to influence companies sourcing welfare units in 2022: cost-saving potential and environmental efficiency.
The volatility of the energy market throughout 2022 has created a huge demand for alternative sources of energy generation. The ability to run on solar power is rapidly becoming one of the most desirable features for any equipment with the underlying potential to use this power source.

With Government restrictions on emissions tightening as the push towards “Net Zero Emissions” for 2030 remains in place, alternative energy sources are consolidating themselves as a highly demanded feature across every industry.

What will the most demanded features be for mobile welfare cabins in 2023?

Without a doubt, any features that improve energy efficiency and contribute to lowering emissions will constitute an attractive proposal.
Easy Cabin design and manufacture welfare cabins to the most exacting standards, continually innovating to offer the latest in technological developments. Amongst the range of award-winning, environmentally-friendly products that Easy Cabin offer, we find:

  • Ecosmart Solar MAX: The ultimate EasyCabin, with large solar panels and batteries that can provide up to 100% of a cabin’s energy. HVO generator power keeps emissions ultra-low. Optional rainwater harvesting systems.
  • All HVO Stage V power generation, across all models: Our Stage V engines offer ultra-low emissions with HVO fuel as well as the flexibility to run standard diesel & other biofuels in 1 engine.
  • Ecosmart and Ecostatic ZERO welfare units: These high-tech units eliminate carbon emissions by combining solar panels with a backup hydrogen fuel cell. They are efficient, emission-free, and noise-free.
  • Ecosmart Solar: This solar panel and battery upgrade package can provide solar harvesting of up to 55% of a welfare unit’s energy consumption.
  • Solar pod: The solar pod is a simple-to-operate device that harvests solar energy and provides free power to your site welfare facilities: just switch it on and reap the benefits.
  • Solar Smart: The Solar Smart plug-and-play framework offers a hassle-free means by which to integrate solar power to your existing site power supply. Made to fit 20×8 & 30×10 cabins or any spare floor space on-site.
  • Battery Pod: New 2023 model, high-capacity battery bank for any off-grid site large or small.
  • Solar-powered toilet units: The solar toilet pod combines an efficient LPG gas boiler with solar power to produce a unique hybrid toilet system. These toilets are up to 96% carbon-efficient.

Other options which can be used in conjunction with Easy Cabin’s low-emission mobile welfare cabins include the Solar Tower Pod solar-powered site lighting tower, the Power Pod Plug and Play high capacity battery bank, and the Charge Pod hybrid-powered tool charging station.

As well as providing a truly comprehensive range of solar-powered and hybrid options for construction site welfare, Easy Cabin manufactures self-contained welfare cabins that are easy to tow and fast and simple to unhitch and set up. These hard-wearing welfare units can easily be moved around a job site or between sites when required. This ease of use and transport adds to the overall efficiency of these mobile welfare cabins.

If you would like to learn more about Easy Cabin’s range of low-emission and solar-powered site welfare options, do not hesitate to get in touch. Easy Cabin’s experienced sales team will be more than happy to discuss this fantastic environmentally friendly, energy-saving range. Get in touch on 01582 297253.

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